Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Episode 1: The Gathering Storm


Signals of unusual activity within reach of the vast network of universal sensors operated by The Facility have been strangely inactive over the last several months, as evidenced by the the lack of updates on their publicly-accessible blog site recently. However, in the last two weeks researchers have noticed a faint but measurable rise in anomalous data output from remote detection devices here in our own terrestrial dimension.

Always anxious to react with as much immediacy as possible to potential incidences of inter-dimensional and/or extraterrestrial unpleasantness, Field Explorer Third Class, Clinton "Clint" Kowalski (advanced trainee, clearance level 4b), was dispatched by The Facility to travel the many miles necessary to reach a remote Utah canyon where several unusual readings had been detected.

"The signals we were receiving from the remote sensors weren't overtly alarming," said Dr. Quentin Bloor, director of The Facility. "Quite honestly, we anticipated that when investigated they would prove to be nothing more than geo-magnetic 'static', perhaps from underlying metal ores uncovered by recent flash-flooding in the area. But then, Kowalski just... vanished."

As a result of fragments of the contents recovered from the memory card of a damaged digital camera (see attached digital file) discovered by a group a hikers in the area, Bloor and other officials at The Facility have re-assessed their diagnosis, noting that the flooding may have uncovered more than just the signals of "a few naturally-occuring magnetic lodestones."

A team of specialists, led by Robert "Rock" Abslab, head of security for The Facility, has been dispatched to the canyon to determine the whereabouts of the missing explorer.

"Right now we're hoping this is a [censored] rescue mission, rather than a [censored] bag-and-tag operation," said Abslab, speaking by satellite phone from the depths of the canyon. "The footage we recovered shows he's close to [censored] losing it at times. Kowalski was [censored] tough. Real tough. So if there was something here strong enough to [censored] take him and his [censored] mind out . . . well, we're [censored] concerned."

While hesitant to issue a Level Three Alarm, officials at The Facility are advising residents in the states of Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico to report any bizzarre lights in the sky, freakishly large earthworms, birds that resemble a flying octopus, and unexplainable yet strangely pleasurable tingling in their pre-frontal cortexes.

The attached video has been cleared for public release by The Facility. Some audiences may find the footage disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.