Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Decor for the Deranged

How it Sparkles and Shines!
Just in time for the holidays, this charming gender non-specific cherub is ready to wing its way into your heart and home through any door or window you've left open.

You'll screech with delight when faced with this 10" high faux-bronze angel of enchantment on your mantle or bookshelf. Just don't breathe too hard though, or you'll risk aspirating some of the presumably non-toxic magical glitter that coats the sculpture's entire surface and rubs off at the lightest touch!

Trust us on this one folks! Once they've caught a glimpse of its whimsically tarnished buttocks, even the most jaded and cynical family member or guest in your home is sure to have their heart, soul, and last vestiges of sanity carried away in this solemn-faced sprite's basket of delights.

Order yours today!

Reg. Price: $39.99
SALE: Two for $79!
Display only in well-ventilated areas away from small children and pets. May cause seizures when viewed under certain lighting conditions.